Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A New Me

I'm really horrible at keeping up with this whole blogging business. It's really hard to find time to write when you have 2 children under 2.

That being said, a lot is going on in my life right now. Grayson is now 4 months old and Cadyn will be 2 in a month. When they say treasure the moments because time goes by fast...they weren't kidding. Grayson is growing so much. He's gained 10 lbs since birth and apparently is super long for his age....where he got the height from...I'm still unsure. He's hitting all of his milestones regardless of being a month early. He's happy, easy going, & full of personality.

Cadyn...on the other hand is hyper, ornery, very loving, & smart as a tack. I know all parents say their children are smart...but really...he is. The boy already knows all of his animals and the sounds they make, colors, shapes, he can recognize the WHOLE alphabet, and can count to 14 and recognize the numbers too. He amazes me every day at all of the new stuff he has learned. He also has a very large vocabulary...even though I'm about the only person that can understand him :)

Ok...onto what this post was originally supposed to be about, but what kind of mother would I be if I didn't talk about my kids first? After I had Cadyn, I swore to myself that I would NOT get pregnant again until I had lost enough weight to be down to AT LEAST my prepregnancy size (which by the way was still WAY TOO BIG). I swore that I would not be one of those women who gave birth, didn't lose the weight, then had another child, and just gets bigger from there. Well....I did just what I said I wouldn't do. I still had 14lbs of baby fat and BAM...I got pregnant again. I did pretty good with the weight gain with Grayson...only put on about 17 lbs (30 with Cadyn), and after I had him the weight just seemed to start falling off. Then it just stopped. Last week I was at prepregnancy weight with here I am on this journey to start actually losing the weight...because obviously sitting around my house playing with my boys and snacking all day wasn't doing the trick. I'm on a strict 800 calorie a day diet. It really hasn't been as hard as I thought it was going to be....I guess because I'm just so motivated to do it. I finally just got so fed up with being fat. Let me give you a few reasons why being fat sucks...1) I HATE seeing people I know from when I used to be skinny. I know in the back of their heads they are judging me for gaining weight. 2) I HATE having to shop in specialty stores...I can't just walk into any store I want to and find a cute outfit. I have to go into plus size stores and even then, I never find anything cute because I just don't feel cute being fat. 3) I want my husband to be proud of me....yes, I know he loves me no matter what I look like, but I want to go out with him and be proud to show me off. 4) I just want to be healthy. 5) I want to be able to do things with my boys....being fat really slows you down and enables you to do A LOT of things.

I'm less than a week into my diet and have already lost 7 lbs. I'm really proud of myself and there is nothing more motivating then stepping on the scale and watching the number decrease. I am going to try to keep up with the blogging just for the sheer purpose of keeping myself accountable and also so I can look back and watch my progress. I'm trying to do things in short term goals....13 more lbs until my first goal is hit! Wish me luck!

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