Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2009-2010 Survey :)

I know survey's are kinda lame, but I am bored....give me a break!

((( End of 2009/Start of 2010 )))
Calendar Year Review…
JANUARY: How did you ring in 2009? Details! Where, who, kiss, etc???: 2009...I was in Bartlesville, Ok at my friend Kyla & Ryan's house. It was a work week for Drew so sadly I didn't get to kiss him at midnight :(

FEBRUARY: Were you in a relationship for Valentine's Day and what'd you do:yes....it was also a work week for Drew, but we celebrated later...I got a beautiful necklace from Tiffany's that has "I Y U" dangling from it.

MARCH: Did you celebrate St. Patty's Day by getting drunk?:

no...Molly & I went to Dallas and went down to some street that had lots of things going on...I was super sick so we didn't stay for long.

APRIL: Did you have to walk in the rain (or any month in 09)?:

MAY: Did you fail any classes?:

being that I was the teacher, I was the one giving out the "Fs", but since I'm nice...I didn't fail anyone

JUNE: Did you buy a new swimsuit?:

yes...yes I did...I got married this month and so I needed a new suit for our honeymoon!

JULY: Did you party on 4th of July?:

we had just gotten back from our honeymoon the day before, so we were really tired, but we went out to the Aunt & Uncles and celebrated.

AUGUST: Did you go to the beach?:

in August no...like I said...we did that in June/July

SEPTEMBER: Did you start school again?:

no...I graduated in May of 2008...I'm done with school.

OCTOBER: What did you dress as for Halloween?:

my big ol preggo belly was Humpty Dumpty.

NOVEMBER: What did you do for Thanksgiving?:

early in the day we went to Aunt & Uncles...and that night we went out to the lake to my grandma's house.

DECEMBER: What do you want/what did you get for Christmas?:

I got a lot of great things...but really my favorite part of Christmas was being snowed in and spending time with family.

Personal Reflection
Did you reach your goals for 2009?:sure!

Beside your set goals, what else did you accomplish?:2009 was an amazing year...I got married & found out that we are having a sweet baby boy!

What is something you learned about yourself?:I'm a big fan of NOT working haha! I'm totally cool with just being a house wife.

Did you do anything you'd never thought you'd never do?:I never thought I would get pregnant on the honeymoon haha

In 2009, Did You…
Change your appearance?:yes...I started getting a baby belly
Move to a new place?:yep...we moved from Tulsa, Ok to Damascus, Ar in July
Go to a concert?:a few...not as many as in the past...2009 was a busy year
Go to a sporting event?:OSU football games
Get a new job?:yes...I went from teaching 2nd grade at the beginning of the year to being a house wife :)
Get a new addition to your family?:my niece Annie Laine arrived in May! and baby Cadyn was created in June.
Gain new friends?:yes I did
Lose old friends?:lose them no...I am just far away from them
Get into a fight (verbal or physical)?:im not a fighter
Puke from drinking too much?:no...haven't done that in quite a while
Travel?:we went to Florida on the honeymoon
Go to a wedding?:yes...a couple...including my own!
Go to a funeral?:I don't think so
Go to the hospital?:just when Ashley was there to have Annie..but me personally no
Have any run-ins with the law?:nope! I am a good girl
Start a relationship?:nope...been in a relationship since March of 2008
End a relationship?:no
Spend over $1000 on something?:yes...bought a new car
Favorite 2009…
Holiday?:My birthday
Party?:my Safari bday party was pretty fun!
Event?:my wedding (again)
Moment you laughed so hard that you cried?:I do that quite often
Movie?: The Hangover
Song?:Better Hands Now- Natalie Grant

Worst 2009...
Memory?:I honestly don't know
Day at work or school?:I had an evaluation one day and one of my little hellians was absolutely going nuts, he ran out of the classroom during my evaluation! On top of it all I was sick with a sinus infection... It was a rough day.
Embarrassing moment?:it takes a lot to embarrass me
Fight/Disagreement/Argument?:i dunno
Pain you felt?:i dunno
Person you met?:geez that's not very nice!
Movie?:I have no idea
Song?:There were some dumb ones that came out.

For NYE 09-10…
Where were you?:I was asleep in my bed...lame I know haha
Who was there?:Drew was next to me
Did you kiss someone at midnight?:not right at midnight...I woke up at 12:30 and woke him up and gave him a smootch
What did you wear?:probably wasn't wearing anything?? sorry TMI

In 2010...
What are your goals?:be a good mommy :)
What do you look forward to?:my baby being here in March!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The 4D Experience

I really suck at keeping this thing updated :)

I went in for my 4D Ultrasound on December 23rd. The whole family was able to come which was really cool. Mom, dad, my two sisters, Drew's parents and his little sister, and my 2 best friends in the whole world, Mallory (who was in from California) and Molly. I knew my kid was stubborn being that I was 21 weeks until we finally knew he was a boy, but HOLY COW! He buried his face in my placenta and so we could NOT get a face shot of him. We got a few profile shots but that's about it and even those weren't very good because the way they were taken made him look like he had a HUGE nose! Not gonna lie, it kinda scared me a little bit. Here are a few shots from the session.

Thankfully they let us reschedule for another day. 4D ultrasounds are NOT cheap so it's great that they let you do that. So skip ahead 2 weeks and we go in on Jan. 11th for the second 4D experience! All of the family gathers again to see if little Cadyn David will finally cooperate. We get in there get me all prepped and ready to go...we start the ultrasound and Cadyn is sideways again!! Little turd!! We keep pushing on my belly and I roll over trying to get him to turn and FINALLY, after 13 minutes, he turns! As soon as his little face popped up on the screen I was so overwhelmed with joy. There he was! His little cheeks have even filled out from the last time we were there. I may just be a proud momma, but he is so darn cute. Seeing him made me want him to hurry and get here! I wanna hold him so bad! Here are some of the pictures from the 2nd 4D.

his little tootsies

Today I am officially 30 weeks pregnant. He still has 7 more weeks to cook until I am considered full term. Crazy how time flies...seems like just yesterday I was peeing on a stick. I'm glad it's gone by so quickly though...hopefully these next 7-10 weeks go by just as fast (or faster would be great). I'm really excited about next week. I have another Dr's appt. on Thursday, I am officially going every 2 weeks now. We got all preregistered at the last appt. so that was an exciting step. Next week is also Drew's 25th birthday and Saturday is my baby shower!! I am excited to see what all Cadyn gets so we can get it all prepared for him! Then, Saturday night we are going out for Drew's birthday....I haven't seen my Stillwater friends since November so I am really looking forward to hanging out with all of them. Well, that's enough writing for now...hopefully it won't take me a whole month to update next time :)