Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2009-2010 Survey :)

I know survey's are kinda lame, but I am bored....give me a break!

((( End of 2009/Start of 2010 )))
Calendar Year Review…
JANUARY: How did you ring in 2009? Details! Where, who, kiss, etc???: 2009...I was in Bartlesville, Ok at my friend Kyla & Ryan's house. It was a work week for Drew so sadly I didn't get to kiss him at midnight :(

FEBRUARY: Were you in a relationship for Valentine's Day and what'd you do:yes....it was also a work week for Drew, but we celebrated later...I got a beautiful necklace from Tiffany's that has "I Y U" dangling from it.

MARCH: Did you celebrate St. Patty's Day by getting drunk?:

no...Molly & I went to Dallas and went down to some street that had lots of things going on...I was super sick so we didn't stay for long.

APRIL: Did you have to walk in the rain (or any month in 09)?:

MAY: Did you fail any classes?:

being that I was the teacher, I was the one giving out the "Fs", but since I'm nice...I didn't fail anyone

JUNE: Did you buy a new swimsuit?:

yes...yes I did...I got married this month and so I needed a new suit for our honeymoon!

JULY: Did you party on 4th of July?:

we had just gotten back from our honeymoon the day before, so we were really tired, but we went out to the Aunt & Uncles and celebrated.

AUGUST: Did you go to the beach?:

in August no...like I said...we did that in June/July

SEPTEMBER: Did you start school again?:

no...I graduated in May of 2008...I'm done with school.

OCTOBER: What did you dress as for Halloween?:

my big ol preggo belly was Humpty Dumpty.

NOVEMBER: What did you do for Thanksgiving?:

early in the day we went to Aunt & Uncles...and that night we went out to the lake to my grandma's house.

DECEMBER: What do you want/what did you get for Christmas?:

I got a lot of great things...but really my favorite part of Christmas was being snowed in and spending time with family.

Personal Reflection
Did you reach your goals for 2009?:sure!

Beside your set goals, what else did you accomplish?:2009 was an amazing year...I got married & found out that we are having a sweet baby boy!

What is something you learned about yourself?:I'm a big fan of NOT working haha! I'm totally cool with just being a house wife.

Did you do anything you'd never thought you'd never do?:I never thought I would get pregnant on the honeymoon haha

In 2009, Did You…
Change your appearance?:yes...I started getting a baby belly
Move to a new place?:yep...we moved from Tulsa, Ok to Damascus, Ar in July
Go to a concert?:a few...not as many as in the past...2009 was a busy year
Go to a sporting event?:OSU football games
Get a new job?:yes...I went from teaching 2nd grade at the beginning of the year to being a house wife :)
Get a new addition to your family?:my niece Annie Laine arrived in May! and baby Cadyn was created in June.
Gain new friends?:yes I did
Lose old friends?:lose them no...I am just far away from them
Get into a fight (verbal or physical)?:im not a fighter
Puke from drinking too much?:no...haven't done that in quite a while
Travel?:we went to Florida on the honeymoon
Go to a wedding?:yes...a couple...including my own!
Go to a funeral?:I don't think so
Go to the hospital?:just when Ashley was there to have Annie..but me personally no
Have any run-ins with the law?:nope! I am a good girl
Start a relationship?:nope...been in a relationship since March of 2008
End a relationship?:no
Spend over $1000 on something?:yes...bought a new car
Favorite 2009…
Holiday?:My birthday
Party?:my Safari bday party was pretty fun!
Event?:my wedding (again)
Moment you laughed so hard that you cried?:I do that quite often
Movie?: The Hangover
Song?:Better Hands Now- Natalie Grant

Worst 2009...
Memory?:I honestly don't know
Day at work or school?:I had an evaluation one day and one of my little hellians was absolutely going nuts, he ran out of the classroom during my evaluation! On top of it all I was sick with a sinus infection... It was a rough day.
Embarrassing moment?:it takes a lot to embarrass me
Fight/Disagreement/Argument?:i dunno
Pain you felt?:i dunno
Person you met?:geez that's not very nice!
Movie?:I have no idea
Song?:There were some dumb ones that came out.

For NYE 09-10…
Where were you?:I was asleep in my bed...lame I know haha
Who was there?:Drew was next to me
Did you kiss someone at midnight?:not right at midnight...I woke up at 12:30 and woke him up and gave him a smootch
What did you wear?:probably wasn't wearing anything?? sorry TMI

In 2010...
What are your goals?:be a good mommy :)
What do you look forward to?:my baby being here in March!!

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