Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cadyn is Here!

Sorry it has taken so long to get this posted...I started writing this a week and a half ago and haven't been able to finish until now...apparently being a mom is kind of demanding :)

I have been looking forward to writing this blog. I wanna get my whole experience written (or typed) down so I can always remember it. I don't know how explicit I'll get with this thing so if you are reading right now and you don't want to hear gory details...I suggest you click that little "x" up in the right corner of your screen...or for us mac users...the left corner. I'm a pretty honest person and don't really spare the don't say I didn't warn you.

Monday March 22, 2010
I had a dr's appt. at 11am. She wanted to check my cervix to see if I had dilated any. I had been stuck at 1cm for 3 weeks and if I hadn't made progress she wanted to go ahead and admit me to the hospital that night to get me started on some medicine to try to speed up the process for Tuesday. Honestly going into it I knew that I hadn't made any change. I had zero signs of labor coming soon. I was change what so ever. There I was 40 weeks pregnant and only 1cm dilated. How frustrating. She told us to just go home get ready and be at the hospital at 4pm to be admitted. It was kind of a weird day knowing that Cadyn would be here in less than 24 hours. We went home, ate some lunch, Drew went and bought brand spankin' new tires for our car (random I know, but we really needed them). By the time he got home it was time to go. We got to the hospital, got admitted and got our room. It was HUGE and really nice!
Once we got all situated and I got my gown on and crawled into bed the nurse (which by the way was AMAZING) came in and we started the whole process. They said that we would go ahead and get the Cervadil in, yes IN, I thought it was just going to be a no..Cervadil actually goes inside to sit near your cervix to try and soften and thin it. My cervix was no where near ready for was still pretty thick and still waaaaay far back, so far back that it felt like she had to go elbow deep inserting the Cervadil. It wasn't very pleasant. This is all they were going to do for the night, I would get my IV and everything else in the morning, but for now they wanted the Cervadil to just sit and do it's job. So that night Drew and I just kinda hung out and watched tv and ordered some Chili's To Go for dinner. Both of our families drove up from Tulsa that night, they all got there a little late, but we were able to spend a little bit of time with them before we hit the hay for the night. I, surprisingly, was able to sleep really well being so anxious....ok on to the next day.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 (Cadyn's Birthday!)
The nurses came in bright and early...about 5ish I take out the Cervadil and check and see if I had made any progress. If I rememeber correctly...I had thinned out quite a bit and had dilated to 2cm. It was time to get my IV going and get started on the Pitocin...after several attempts and busted veins they were finally able to get my IV and meds going. I believe family started arriving about 7-7:30. I was having contractions about 2-3 minutes apart, but they weren't anything too intense yet. I could feel them, but they didn't hurt. My dr. came in at about 8 or so to break my water. All the nurses kept talking about how they thought that I had a lot of fluid, this is WHY my belly got SO's not because Cadyn was huge...I just had A LOT of amniotic fluid. When she broke my water I seriously thought that I was going to flood the room! Holy cow...weirdest feeling EVER. It just kept gushing and gushing...feels like you are peeing, but have absolutely no control over it. Even after a while, everytime I moved more would come weird. They say this is when contractions start getting really intense...about 5 minutes after my water was broken, my nurse was in the room and asked how my pain was, I told her that it wasn't too bad, but I could tell that the contractions were starting to get more intense and she said "ok I'm gonna go ahead and get that Epidural ordered, might as well not wait until they get really bad" So just a little bit later the anethesesiologist came in and gave me my epidural. It did sting a little bit at first, but it definitely wasn't too bad AT ALL. This labor stuff was SO EASY! I hadn't been in pain at all really! At about 9:30 they came back in to check to see if I had made any progress. I was at 4cm!! SWEET! I was making awesome progression. The rest of the day was just kinda sitting and relaxing and hanging out with my family. At 1:30 or so my Dr. came back to see where I was....still at 4cm. So I hadn't changed at all. By this point it was starting to look pretty grim on the vaginal birth. My dr. knows my family history. No one in my family has had a vaginal's just like we can't dilate. My dr. had said that if it looks like I'm just not making progression then I'm not gonna labor forever that we would just do a c-section. She said she would be back at 3:15 to check me again and if I still hadn't changed then we would go ahead and do a csection. So at 3:15 she comes back in and sticks her hand up there....yup still a the baby's head is starting to get a cone on it cause it's trying to decend into the cervix, but isn't going anywhere. She tells me it's still going to be a little bit though because there was someone getting ready to go into the OR to have twins. At about 5ish they finally rolled me down to the OR to get me all prepped and ready. Everything was ready and it was almost time. They brought Drew in and sat him in a chair right next to my head. We asked each other "are you ready for this?" obviously, we were both more than ready to meet our little Cadyn. It seemed to take foooorever for them to get him out. As soon as he was out, I could hear his cries. They brought him over and showed us...OMG I am a mom. They took him and cleaned him off real good and Drew was able to get him and bring him over to me. I cannot explain what was going through my mind or the feeling I felt when I saw him. I immediately started boohooing.

He was gorgeous! All the worrying for 9 months whether or not he would be healthy and wondering what he would look like, was over. He's here and absolutely perfect. They quickly took him away and Drew was able to go to the nursery with him and get him weighed (he was 7 lbs & 9 ozs and 19 inches long) and get his first bath. While all of that was going on I was still on the OR table getting put back together. Just a little bit after Drew left I started feeling A LOT of pain. My anesthesiologist was standing behind me and I was barely able to get out "is it normal for me to be feeling all this pain?" As soon as I said that, he injected me with something and I was out like a light. Next thing I remember, I wake up and I'm being rolled back to my room. Once I was in there the nurse started pushing around on my stomach!! Apparently they have to do this, but I have never felt anything so excruciating! I mean I just had major abdominal surgery and here they are pushing around on my belly...ouch. I was crying...which I DO NOT do out of pain...I can't stand for people to see me in pain. At this point I was only able to have 1 person at a time in my room, so obviously Drew was the first person to see. I'm sure he hates seeing me like that, but this was just such an exciting time. Next was my dad, my dad came in and bent down and kissed me and told me I did good, how proud he was of me, and how beautiful and perfect Cadyn was, all the while with tears in his was a very special moment. I was able to see each one of my family members as well as Drew's family, which I love just as much as my own. Finally, they brought Cadyn down to the room...I could barely hold him I was in so much pain. The nurse came in and asked if I wanted some Demerol to help me get some sleep. YES PLEASE....when she gave me the medicine, I instantly was slurring my words....It made me feel like I was really drunk. I think I said "I'm drunk" about a hundred times. I finally fell asleep and when it was time for bed, Drew went ahead and sent Cadyn back to the nursery so he could get some sleep as well.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The next day the family came back up to the hospital to spend some time with us and see Cadyn. The nurse came in and told me that they would be getting me up to shower after lunch to get me moving. The more you move, the faster you get better. So after the family had left, it was time to get up....ugh. They had to of course take out the IV and remove the catheter, taking out the catheter meant, that when I had to go to the bathroom, I HAD to get up, which meant that I was going to be in pain. Getting out of bed was definitely a major task....I could barely move. I felt like an old woman. I finally was able (with the help of 2 nurses) to get into the shower....and it was not a very warm shower at that because they didn't want it too steamy in there because they didn't want me passing out. Well, it didn't really matter if it was hot or cold...I almost went down anyway. I looked at my nurse and told her that I was feeling light headed so she told me to sit down. As soon as I sat, my hearing went out, my face turned white and my lips turned blue. The nurses were fanning me like crazy. My hearing started to come back and I guess I turned a normal color, so everything was fine. Thank God I didn't actually pass out cause if I would have went down I don't think I would have been able to get up. The rest of the day I spent trying to move around as much as I could, even though it hurt. I was able to sit in the rocking chair and REALLY hold Cadyn for the first time. It was like heaven having that little boy on my chest snuggling up to me. You truly never understand how much your parents love you until you have one of your own. This moment was one of the best moments in my life.

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Early in the morning my doctor came in and checked everything and told me that she was going to leave it up to me on if I wanted to go home that day or wait until the next. Of course, I wanted to go home. I just knew I would feel better in my own home. When it was time to go, Drew got Cadyn all dressed and put in his carseat....he looked so cute!
Getting in our car was kind of hard. I could barely lift my legs and since we drive an SUV it was definitely difficult to get in. After a very painful, bumpy car ride, we finally made it home.

After 2 weeks, I am still recovering from my csection, but am leaps & bounds better than I was at the beginning. Cadyn is such a good baby. He sleeps almost all the way through the night and only really cries if he is dirty or if he's hungry. He is very alert and will just stare deep into your eyes....makes my heart melt. He is starting to look more and more like his daddy, with my nose and my little ears. Watching Drew with him makes me love Drew even more. He loves this baby more than words can say. He has helped SO much with him and I know that there is NO WAY that I could have done this without him (hats off to all the single mothers out there). My life has done a complete 180 in the past 2 years and I couldn't be happier. I love being a mommy!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

48 Hours

Well, in 48 hours (give or take a few) Cadyn will be making his debut into the world. It's starting to become a little surreal. He has been living inside my tummy for 9 months now and I am more than ready to have him in my arms. It has been a long 9 months...most people say "it'll go by so fast"...they are a bunch of liars. These last couple of months have been the longest 2 months of my life and I am so glad they will be over soon! I'm ready to feel NORMAL again! This kid is super heavy!

As soon as I hit 37 weeks I was doing everything short of drinking castor oil to get this child out of me. There are many old wives' tales about things to jump start labor....if there are any preggos reading this right now...take head...THEY DON'T WORK! Nothing works unless your body is ready! So don't waste your time. I tried "walking him out" so much...all it did was put me into false labor and cause me to have painful contractions that did nothing to help dilate me.

So here I sit, I'm 40 weeks pregnant today and I have no signs of laboring anytime soon on my own. I am so thankful my Dr. has decided to induce me, I'm not sure how much more I can handle while keeping my sanity. I am glad there has been a set schedule though that way family, who live 4 hours away, were able to make plans to come here and be with me.

(Here is where I will be giving birth to beautiful baby Cadyn)

I have a dr's appointment tomorrow morning so she can check my cervix to see if I've made any progress over the past week...if I haven't made much progress then I will be put in the hospital tomorrow night to start me on some meds. She said I won't technically be "in labor" Monday...just trying to get the process going so it will make for a shorter day on Tuesday. They are gonna start the pitocin and break my water at approx. 4am on Tuesday morning and then off I go! I can't wait until I get to hold him...and fix his hair (he's bound to have a lot), and dress him, and smootch on get the picture....I'm really excited!

I will for sure have an update later this week with pictures galore!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


As of tomorrow, I am 38 weeks pregnant. This last month has really dragged. I really thought that Cadyn was going to make his debut around this time, but it seems as if he is being stubborn. I shouldn't really be surprised being he has been stubborn throughout this whole pregnancy...he made me wait FOREVER to find out that he was a boy!

It makes things even harder when I am just so uncomfortable, my skin is absolutely stretched to the max....once I'm finished having all my kids, I'm going to need some major reconstructive surgery haha! I just feel like a whale...I have put on 36 lbs....I was doing SO GOOD and these last 2 months I have really ballooned! I have the classic pregnant woman swollen face going on, looks like I'm storing nuts for the Winter. The worst part is going in public, I have gotten to the point where I don't want to go anywhere because I am so sick of people talking to me about it. I know that sounds rude, but I really can't help it. I can't go ANYWHERE without people asking me if I'm having twins.....NEVER EVER EVER ask a pregnant woman that!!! It's just rude! You may not think it sounds all that bad, but you are basically are just telling me that I look twice as big as I should....I get it, I am huge. You would think that someone who has had a kid would know this, but I have had mom's ask if it was twins and when I say no, they say "it must be a boy son did that to me too, I was huge" Just because you've been through it, doesn't give you the right to call me huge. UGH! I'm also paranoid when we go to restaurants, I'm so afraid they are going to take us to a booth that I'm not going to fit embarassing would that be!?

Anyway, I had a dr's appt. today. I haven't really make any progress, but we scheduled a day for induction! YAAAAY! Cadyn will be here no later than March 23rd! Even though I really would love for him to come makes me feel 100 times better knowing that he will at least be here in 12 days! I am going to stop wishing and hoping that he will be here sooner (I have been driving myself crazy doing that). I can officially just start counting down now. This also makes things a little easier for the family. We live 4 hours away from everyone so now they know exactly when he'll be here and can schedule around it. Obviously there is still a chance he could be here before the 23rd, but I really doubt it. I was getting a little worried that I would go past my due date (the 26th) and not be able to go to Tulsa for will be our first trip with him...yes he won't be very old, but we for sure want to be with the family and go to church on Easter we already bought a super cute outfit for him :)

Anyway, that's my update...countdown 12 days!